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  • What type of zeolite is used to make ZeoBoost™?
    ZeoBoost™ is made from pure clinoptilolite zeolite. ZeoBoost™ is not synthetic zeolite, it is 100% natural and pure. ZeoBoost™ does not contain fillers, binders, or additives.
  • How much ZeoBoost™ should I Take?
    The dose needed varies from person to person based on a number of factors. Basically, the more complex the health challenge the higher the dose that is needed. The general rule is to start with a single dose of six teaspoons per day. If a headache or other detox symptoms occurs it is recommended to double the dose. The “start slow and work your way up” approach is not recommended with ZeoBoost™. A better option is to start with a higher dose and work down to a maintenance dose of one teaspoon per day. The healthier you are, the less you need. Maintenance dose for a healthy individual: 1 teaspoon per day, taken all at once. Dose for someone who is not as healthy as they would like to be: 4-12 teaspoons per day, taken all at once. *The recommendation of six teaspoons is for a 150 pound individual. The dose can be adjusted based on weight. The recommendation is for one teaspoon for every 25 pounds of body weight.
  • How Long Should I Take ZeoBoost™
    Detoxing and staying healthy is a lifelong journey. We aren't going to be healthy by accident living in the 21st century. We have to take control of our health. We recommend taking ZeoBoost™ at the higher dose of 4-12 teaspoons per day for at least 90 days. After this we recommend taking one teaspoon per day for ongoing maintenance.
  • What should I expect to feel when taking ZeoBoost™?
    Everyone has a different experience and it really depends on what is going on in your body. Your response will be determined by a number of factors including your body’s toxic burden, microbial balance, immune function, etc. It is very hard to say what you will feel. Some people don't feel anything, which is actually a good thing because as you remove toxic junk from your body you either want to feel nothing, or you want to feel better. If you experience symptoms such as headaches or other detox reactions it means the detox is causing additional stress on your body and you may want to consider raising the dose. Many people feel nothing initially when starting on ZeoBoost™, but then gradually start feeling better as the body is cleared of metals and toxins. The good news is that unless you have no toxicity in your body, ZeoBoost™ is helping you, whether you feel anything right away or not. Having said that, many people experience an almost immediate benefit when taking ZeoBoost™. Common improvements that often happen in the first day or week of taking ZeoBoost™ include increased mental clarity and reduced brain fog, improved digestion, and a general calming effect on the body.
  • How do I know if ZeoBoost™ is working?
    Whether you feel anything or not, ZeoBoost™ is working. Even if you have no toxins stored in your body and you have absolutely no exposure to external toxins, ZeoBoost™ will still help remove internally produced toxins such as metabolic waste and microbial waste that your body produces daily. In addition it will help keep you young and healthy by reducing free radical formation and helping your body better handle its daily production of free radicals. If you aren’t healthy, ZeoBoost™ can help you get healthy. If you are healthy, ZeoBoost™ can help you stay healthy!
  • Can ZeoBoost™ be taken with food or does it have to be on an empty stomach?
    ZeoBoost™ can be taken with a meal if desired. It can be taken before or after a meal, or even mixed in with food!
  • When is the best time to take ZeoBoost™?
    ZeoBoost™ can be taken any time, day or night. Best time to take ZeoBoost™ to avoid detox reactions: Taking ZeoBoost™in the evening with a meal or shortly thereafter seems to be the best option for those concerned with potential detox reactions. Taking ZeoBoost™ in the morning on an empty stomach seems to be the most likely to cause detox reactions in those sensitive to detox. Advantages of taking ZeoBoost™ with food: Taking ZeoBoost™ with or after a meal will help bind to toxic elements in food such as metals, pesticides and glyphosate and remove them from the body before they have a chance to do any damage. Another benefit of taking ZeoBoost™ with or after a meal is that it will help bind free radicals and metabolic waste products produced during digestion such as ammonia. Advantages of taking ZeoBoost™ on an empty stomach: Taking ZeoBoost™ on an empty stomach may offer a more effective full body detox as the zeolite won’t be preoccupied helping with the stress of digestion. Advantages of taking ZeoBoost™ in the evening or before bed: Your body is in a better position to detox when it is most relaxed. Taking ZeoBoost™ before bed works well for many people because the stress of the day is behind them. Note about taking first thing in the morning: If your primary goal is to remove heavy metals from your body then it may be best to take ZeoBoost™ in the afternoon or evening after you have eaten at some point during the day. The longer it has been since you have eaten, the less likely your body is to let go of heavy metals. Short-term fasting can result in mineral and heavy metal retention by your cells. Because heavy metals are similar in structure to essential minerals in the body, the body holds on tight to them until it is replenished with nutrients.
  • Can ZeoBoost™ be taken at the same time as other supplements?
    As a general rule we recommend taking any synthetic supplements at least an hour before taking ZeoBoost™. Naturally-derived supplements such as herbs and plant extracts may be taken at the same time as ZeoBoost™if desired. If you are taking naturally-derived supplements with detox potential such as fulvic acid, chlorella, or detox clays, we recommend taking them at the same time as ZeoBoost™.
  • Can colloidal silver be taken at the same time as ZeoBoost™?
    ZeoBoost™ is attracted to silver so it is best not to take colloidal silver at the same time as ZeoBoost™. What would likely happen if taken together is that ZeoBoost™ would bind to silver particles and then once it comes across lead, mercury or a heavier metal or toxin it would swap the silver for the heavier metal. So in theory even if ZeoBoost™ does bind to silver it still might be alright as long as there are heavier metals present. But for maximum effectiveness it is recommended to wait to take Boost™ at least an hour after consuming colloidal silver.
  • Zeolite is made partly of aluminum, will taking ZeoBoost™ make me aluminum toxic?
    Absolutely not. The chemical name for clinoptilolite zeolite is aluminosilicate. So yes, zeolite does contain aluminum. According to Zeolite Expert Karl Hecht, whether aluminum can be released from the zeolite depends on its silicon content. The higher it is, the more impossible it becomes for aluminum to detach itself from the crystal lattice of the zeolite. Clinoptilolite zeolite is a zeolite with a particularly high silicon content. No aluminum is released from it, so that no aluminum can be resorbed in the intestine and absorbed into the body. There are many other forms of zeolite that are broken down much easier and have a lower silicon content. This is why Clinoptilolite was the form of zeolite chosen to be used in supplements. All clinoptilolite has a high silicon content, but ZeoBoost™ has an exceptionally high silicon content of nearly 75%! This makes ZeoBoost™ even more stable.
  • Will ZeoBoost™ cause constipation?
    On the contrary, many people find that ZeoBoost™ helps keep them regular. If constipation occurs while taking ZeoBoost™ it is a sign that you are probably not taking a high enough dose. It is the potential “detox stress” that can occur from a low dose that could cause constipation. Taking too low of a dose is more likely to cause constipation than a high dose.
  • Can I take ZeoBoost™ if I have metal amalgam fillings in my mouth?
    Many people that take ZeoBoost™ regularly have metal fillings in their mouths and we have not had any issues reported to us. Metal fillings are constantly releasing tiny particles of mercury into the body which makes ZeoBoost™ especially helpful for people with metal fillings. The only mercury that ZeoBoost™ will take off of the fillings are loose particles that would otherwise be distributed into the body. So if ZeoBoost™ does remove mercury from a filling it should be a good thing.
  • Can I take ZeoBoost™ if I have metal implants in my body?
    ZeoBoost™ works by removing free-floating metals and toxins that are circulating throughout the body. It shouldn’t come in direct contact with an implant. It will however help remove metal particles that have broken off from the implant and made their way into circulation.
  • Can I take ZeoBoost™ along with Medications?
    We are not permitted to offer medical advice so we cannot make any recommendations regarding taking ZeoBoost™ alongside any medications. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional.
  • Can I give ZeoBoost™ to my dog or cat?
    Yes- ZeoBoost™ has been successfully used by many pet owners to help their furry friends stay healthy and happy! The recommended dose for pets is one teaspoon per 25 pounds of body weight.
  • Can I take ZeoBoost™ while pregnant or nursing?
    We are not able to make recommendations regarding the use of ZeoBoost™ while pregnant or nursing. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional.
  • Is ZeoBoost™ safe for children?
    Although Clinoptilolite zeolite has been granted GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status by the FDA, due to lack of research on minors we are are not able to make recommendations regarding the use of ZeoBoost™ for children. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional.
  • Is ZeoBoost™ Third-Party Tested?
    Yes- Please email to obtain copies of the third-party analysis documents.
  • How does ZeoBoost™ work?
    ZeoBoost™ is clinoptilolite zeolite which has a cage-like structure, is negatively charged and magnetically attracts positively charged elements into its cage. Because of its strong negative charge zeolite always contains positively charged elements in its cage and those elements will determine what zeolite binds to. Zeolite works by swapping what it has for what it prefers. So if the zeolite cage contains calcium it will hold on to the calcium until it finds something it likes better, like a heavy metal- let's say lead. Zeolite has a stronger affinity for lead than calcium so the zeolite will basically trade the calcium for lead. It will then hold the lead until it finds something it likes better and will make another trade. If it doesn't come across anything that it likes better it will keep holding the lead and will not bind to anything else. This process is what makes zeolite a selective binder. It is not acting as a traditional chelator (claw) that is grabbing anything available. It is swapping the positively charged elements it has collected in its cage for other positively charged elements it is more attracted to. So basically if zeolite comes in contact with a toxic element it prefers over what it already has it will bind to it, otherwise it will leave it alone. The cleaner the zeolite, the greater the range of things it will bind to. But if the zeolite is too clean (minerals removed) it could lead to mineral loss. That's why ZeoBoost™ is re-mineralized after the cleaning process with ionic trace minerals.
  • Will ZeoBoost™ bind to essential minerals and vitamins in my body?
    Because ZeoBoost™ has naturally occurring minerals held in its cage it will leave the other essential minerals, vitamins and nutrients alone because it prefers what it already has. When it comes across something it likes better, like a heavy metal such as mercury, lead, arsenic etc. it will swap the minerals it has for what it prefers. ZeoBoost™ is a selective binder. You can take it with food and supplements without worrying about it depleting your nutrient levels. ZeoBoost™ is basically a selective magnet. It magnetically attracts elements into its cage, but only elements it has higher affinity for than the minerals it already contains.
  • Which Countries Do You Ship To?
    We ship to the following Countries: Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States There is free shipping on all US orders over $99. There is a flat rate $7 shipping charge on all orders under $99 to the United States. There is a flat rate $19 USD shipping charge on all orders to Canada There is a flat rate $29 USD shipping charge on all orders to the United Kingdom There is a flat rate $39 USD shipping charge on all orders to Australia and New Zealand There is a flat rate $59 USD shipping charge to all other countries listed.
  • How Much is Shipping?
    There is free shipping on all US orders over $99. There is a flat rate $7 shipping charge on all orders under $99 to the United States. There is a flat rate $19 USD shipping charge on all orders to Canada There is a flat rate $29 USD shipping charge on all orders to the United Kingdom There is a flat rate $39 USD shipping charge on all orders to Australia and New Zealand There is a flat rate $59 USD shipping charge to all other countries that we ship to. We ship to the following Countries: Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States

©2025 by GlycoLife Sciences LLC

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The information contained on our website, blog, programs, services, and/or products is for educational and informational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. It is not not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Please seek medical advice from your doctor.

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