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Zeolite Powder For Osteoporosis and Osteopenia

Writer's picture: Jeff HoytJeff Hoyt

Updated: Jan 14, 2024

If you have osteoporosis or osteopenia, zeolite might be the best supplement you’re not taking! What is zeolite and what does it have to do with bone health?

Zeolite is a naturally occurring mineral that contains a very strong “cage-like” structure and negative charge.  There are many types of naturally occurring zeolites. The zeolite that is being discussed in this article is called clinoptilolite, which is the form that has been most studied for human consumption.

How Does Zeolite Work?

Zeolite is an alkaline mineral that is very porous and is one of the very few minerals that is negatively charged by nature. Since many toxic elements such as mercury, lead and cadmium are positively charged, zeolite is pulled to the toxins, like a magnet, and sucks them up into its structure. These dangerous substances become trapped in zeolite’s cage structure, and are then safely and gently carried out of the body.

What Does Zeolite Bind to?

Zeolite has a strong negative charge and is attracted to toxic, positively charged elements that accumulate in our bodies over time. A few of these toxic elements include heavy metals and radioactive isotopes which are both associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis.

Heavy Metals- Heavy metals are toxic metals that accumulate in our bodies and put an enormous burden on our immune and nervous systems, and make our bodies work overtime to stay healthy. Eventually our bodies lose the ability to keep up with the excess demand and symptoms such as chronic fatigue, brain fog, irritability, and a host of other symptoms and conditions can manifest. These metals can also get stored in the bone and contribute to bone deterioration and poor bone mineral density. Zeolite can target hidden metals such as lead and cadmium (both of which can get stored in bone) and trap them in its cage-like structure for safe removal. Once the heavy metal burden is lifted your body can start functionally at its peak potential again.

Radioactive Particles - Clinoptilolite has been shown to bind to radioactive isotopes such as cesium-137 and strontium-90. Clinoptilolite has been used to successfully remove these radioactive isotopes from waste water. Clinoptilolite was used on a large scale during the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and was successfully used to decontaminate low-level radiation waters. The cesium concentration was reduced by a factor of 1000

Osteoporosis and Nutritional Deficiencies

A common cause of osteoporosis is nutritional depletion of the body. This is not discussed adequately in the medical world because nutrition is not taught in depth in most medical schools. However, trace elements such as copper, manganese and zinc, as well as calcium and magnesium, are critical for bone health and wound healing.

The solution is not as simple as adding nutrients into your diet via whole foods or supplementation. The key is really removing toxic metals that are competing for space with minerals in your bones. Metals generally have a stronger bond to your cells than minerals so as they are competing for space the metals usually win. As metals are absorbed into your bones they displace minerals resulting in nutritional deficiencies. So the number one priority should really be to remove toxic metals, which will allow your bones to start absorbing the nutrients you are taking in.

Toxic metals replace vital minerals in the bones, causing them to be more brittle in the case of cadmium, or weaker in the case of lead. These metals are actually incorporated into the structure of the bones, so they will not be revealed on any simple tests.

Lead easily replaces calcium in the bones and weakens them. When cadmium gets in the bone it kicks out zinc. Once cadmium displaces enough zinc, the bones lose its strength and you have a greater potential of developing osteopenia, osteomalacia, easy fractures and osteoporosis. The common approach here is to supplement with calcium and zinc, but the more effective solution is to remove lead and cadmium which are resulting in zinc and calcium deficiencies.

Cadmium and Osteoporosis

A pubmed 790 subject study published in 2018 states the following “Our results indicate that a high level of cumulative cadmium intake is associated with an increased rate of osteoporosis and fractures among women.”

The thing to note about cadmium and other heavy metals is that they accumulate over time and the increased body burden of these metals causes more and more problems as the toxic load increases over the years. Most people assume they don’t have heavy metals such as cadmium in their bodies…but unfortunately they are often wrong.

We are exposed to cadmium through a number of sources including air pollution, auto exhaust, burning coal, ceramics, cigarettes and cigarette smoke, coffee, contaminated drinking water, rubber and the list goes on and on.

The study goes on to state “Bone is one of the target organs for cadmium toxicity.” So as we live our best lives we pick up small amounts of cadmium from various sources over the years and much of that cadmium is stores in our bones. Heavy metal detox is really a necessity in the 21st century and zeolite is a great place to start!

More Cadmium = More Problems

A study published in 1998 showed that Cadmium may be a risk factor for the development of osteoporosis, even at low doses. The goal of the study was to examine the possible role of cadmium as a risk factor for osteoporosis by determining the bone mineral density in workers previously exposed to cadmium.

CONCLUSIONS: “There was a suggested dose-effect relation between cadmium dose and bone mineral density. Furthermore, there was a dose-response relation between cadmium dose and osteoporosis. Cadmium may be a risk factor for the development of osteoporosis at lower doses than previously anticipated.”

So in other words, the study showed that cadmium decreased bone mineral density thus raising the risk for osteoporosis. The study also revealed that the higher the level of cadmium in the body, the lower the bone mineral density. So in order to keep your bones as healthy as possible you want to get as much cadmium out as you can! Zeolite has a high affinity for cadmium making it an incredible tool to detox cadmium from your bones.

Cigarettes and Osteoporosis

We all know that cigarettes aren’t good for us. They certainly aren’t doing our bones any favors either. There are a number of reasons why cigarettes are detrimental to our health; one of those reasons is that cigarettes are a major source of cadmium exposure! With every cigarette you smoke a small amount of cadmium is absorbed and stored in your bones. If you are or were a smoker imagine how many cigarettes you’ve smoked in your life…that’s a lot of cadmium.

A pubmed study published earlier this year in 2020 shows that the cadmium in cigarettes can contribute to osteoporosis.

“The findings in this study provide evidence that cadmium exposure from tobacco smoke plays an important role in smoking‐induced osteoporosis.”

“Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for osteoporosis and bone fracture. Moreover, smoking causes exposure to cadmium, which is a known risk factor for osteoporosis. It is hypothesized that part of smoking-induced osteoporosis may be mediated via cadmium from tobacco smoke.”

Closing Remarks

There are a number of toxic elements that can accumulate in your bones and increase your risk for osteoporosis. Zeolite is a fantastic option for safe removal of these toxic elements. The nice thing about zeolite is that it is a broad-spectrum binder so even if you don’t know what toxins and metals you have in your body you can rest assured that it is helping remove something that doesn’t belong there! And the great thing about zeolite is that it won’t deplete your body of vitamins and minerals like some other binders.

Is Zeolite Safe?

Yes, absolutely...well at least the high-quality clinoptilolite zeolite we utilize in ZeoBoost, I can't speak to the safety of other zeolite products on the market. There are hundreds of types of zeolite, but we are only talking about clinoptilolite zeolite here, which is the only type of zeolite that is used in supplements. Zeolite is a natural mineral and has a variety of elements in it. It is important to note that the structure of zeolite does not get broken down in the body. Because zeolite does not get broken down in the body, it does not leech any elements that make up the compound. Zeolite is not like an essential mineral that gets utilized for cellular functions. It simply passes through your body collecting positively charged toxic elements and then is excreted. Therefore you cannot overdose on zeolite and you cannot poison yourself with zeolite.

How to Choose a Quality Zeolite Supplement

The two most important aspects to consider when utilizing zeolite for detox are quality and quantity. It's important to choose a quality, effective zeolite product and also to take it at the necessary dose. Utilizing a poor quality zeolite or taking the wrong dose can result in negative outcomes. Poor quality or liquid zeolite supplements lack the dose, combination of large and small particle size and binding capacity needed for an effective detox.

ZeoBoost™ is a high-quality, powdered zeolite supplement offered at a fraction of the cost of many zeolite products on the market. Order from the link below!

Learn about Zeolite dosing here:

Recommended Dose for Serious Detox (6 teaspoons per day):

Note on shipping charges- There is a flat rate $7 shipping charge on all US orders. There is a flat rate $19 shipping charge on all orders to Canada and a $59 shipping charge on all orders to the rest of the world.

If you have any questions feel free to give us a call at 888-845-9264!

Studies Cited:



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