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Zeolite Detox Guide with Zeolite Powder Benefits

Writer's picture: Jeff HoytJeff Hoyt

Updated: Jan 14, 2024

Zeolite is one of the most fascinating and powerful supplements on the market today. I truly believe in the healing potential of this amazing product when used properly. This article is designed to empower you with knowledge on how to effectively use zeolite supplements to help you and your family reach the next level in your healing journey. Let's get started.

Zeolite is a naturally occurring mineral that contains a very strong “cage-like” structure and negative charge.  There are many types of naturally occurring zeolites. The zeolite that is being discussed in this article is called clinoptilolite, which is the form that has been most studied for human consumption.

How Does Zeolite Work?

Zeolite is an alkaline mineral that is very porous and is one of the very few minerals that is negatively charged by nature. Since most toxic elements such as mercury, lead and cadmium are positively charged, zeolite is pulled to these elements, like a magnet, and sucks them up into its structure. These dangerous substances become trapped in zeolite’s cage structure, and are then safely and gently carried out of the body.

“ZeoBoost has done wonders for me. I can barely function some days without it and if I just stop for a few days I go backwards. If I start again with just one drink it does wonders and I can actually function pretty well again. I’m not sure if I ever want to be without it again.” - Roger in Ames, IA

What Does Zeolite Bind to?

Zeolite has a strong negative charge and thus is attracted to positively charged molecules. Since many of the things that don't belong in our bodies are positively charged, zeolite can be an effective detox method for a number of toxic elements that are draining our health. Here are a few of the things zeolite binds to:

Heavy Metals- Heavy metals are toxic metals that accumulate in our bodies over time and put an enormous burden on our immune and nervous systems, and make our bodies work overtime to stay healthy. Eventually our bodies lose the ability to keep up with the excess demand and symptoms such as chronic fatigue, brain fog, irritability, and a host of other symptoms and conditions can manifest. Zeolite can target hidden metals such as lead, cadmium, and arsenic among other in your body and trap them in its cage-like structure for safe removal. Once the heavy metal burden is lifted your body can start functionally at its peak potential again.

Environmental Toxicants- In the 21st century we face an unprecedented number of toxic stressors in our daily lives. From the air you breathe, to the food you eat - toxins are everywhere. Over time these toxins accumulate in your body wreaking havoc on your health.  Fatigue, brain fog, weight gain, a weakened immune system, and countless health issues are common side effects when these toxins build up. Since these toxins have a positive charge most of them will fall victim to zeolites strong binding capacity for safe removal from the body.

Mycotoxins- Mold toxicity is increasingly becoming recognized as a serious problem and a player in a number of serious chronic conditions. Exposure to mold often results in an elevated amounts of mycotoxins being exposed to the immune system which can result in an inflammatory response and a number of undesirable symptoms. Zeolite can help bind to these mycotoxins and escort them out of the body before the immune system gets a chance to mount an attack which results in a stressful experience on your body.

Radioactive Particles - Clinoptilolite has been shown to bind to radioactive isotopes such as cesium-137 and strontium-90. Clinoptilolite has been used to successfully remove these radioactive isotopes from waste water. Clinoptilolite was used on a large scale during the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and was successfully used to decontaminate low-level radiation waters. The cesium concentration was reduced by a factor of 1000.

Microbial Pathogens- Zeolite may assist with the removal of pathogenic microbes including Candida and a host of viruses. Zeolite has antiviral properties due to its potential ability to absorb viral particles. A study conducted to evaluate the antiviral properties of micronized clinoptilolite zeolite (what we use in ZeoBoost) showed promise that zeolite can be used to inhibit viral replication. The study stated that the antiviral effect of the zeolite seems to be non-specific and is more likely based on the incorporation of viral particles into pores of zeolite aggregates than ion exchange properties of clinoptilolite. This means that zeolite may be effective against a whole host of viruses, not just the viruses used in the study. It is interesting to note that the low dose of zeolite in the study "induced a very low antiviral effect or the antiviral was not observed at all" but the high dose "induced a significant inhibitory effect upon viral proliferation." This supports the views I have shared on previous blog posts and will cover later on this page about the importance of proper zeolite dosing.

Microbial Toxins- When microbes get out of balance in your body some of them start releasing toxic elements as waste products resulting in a constant supply of inflammation and irritation. These microbes turn in to little “toxin factories” that are constantly producing biotoxins that are putting extra stress on your system and often resulting in uncomfortable symptoms. These toxins make their way to the bloodstream where the immune system mounts an attack and inflammation occurs as a result. Zeolite helps bind many of these biotoxins and safely removes them from the body.

“I am so Grateful for ZeoBoost, I have never done a Heavy Metal Detox protocol that helped my Gum issues before. I have yet to have the Mercury fillings removed from my mouth. I have suffered with Headaches, tingling, numbness and a host of heavy metal overload symptoms. After only 2 weeks thus far and I am energized, calm, no headaches and returning to normal. Thank you so much for ZeoBoost.” -Nichole, NYC

Zeolite and Your Immune System

An effective two-step approach to optimizing the immune system is one: remove immune-drainers, and two: add immune boosters. Without removing toxic elements that are stressing out your body it is very difficult to optimize your immune system. Heavy metals like mercury and lead along with mycotoxins are a few of the toxic elements that keep our immune systems working overtime without a break. Zeolite can help bind to these toxins which will free up energy for your immune system to work on other things.

Zeolite vs Activated Charcoal and Bentonite Clay

There are a number of great natural binders out there including activated charcoal and bentonite clay. These are fantastic products and can be very helpful in a detox protocol. But binders such as charcoal and bentonite clay don't have the same capabilities as zeolite clay. Charcoal and bentonite are great at mopping up toxins but they don't have the binding capacity of a high-quality zeolite powder. Bentonite clay and charcoal may be used in conjunction with zeolite in a detox protocol but it's my opinion that zeolite should be included and considered the primary agent for a systemic detox. Another key to consider when using most binders is that they aren't selective like zeolite so they bind to everything with a positive charge including minerals. Zeolite is a selective binder that only goes after toxic metals so you don't have to worry about it depleting your body of essential minerals.

Does Particle Size Matter?

Yes! The particle size of the zeolite will determine it's function. If the zeolite is a larger particle size it will act as a binder in the gut, but won't be effective at traveling through the blood and trapping metals and toxins. Zeolite with a small particle size offers a systemic solution and a more effective whole body detox, however no zeolite will be sticking around the gut to act as a binder. The solution... Instead of offering one particle size, our zeolite contains a range of particle sizes from super small particles for a full body detox and larger particles to sop of toxins in the gut.  This range in microns insures a more complete full-body detox. Smaller zeolite particles are carried into the bloodstream for cellular detox, while the larger particles stay in the digestive tract to act as a binder. This offers a more balanced detox and reduces die off reactions common with many zeolite supplements. Another advantage of utilizing a range of particle sizes is that toxic elements come in all different shapes and sizes. If only the smallest possible zeolite particles are used (which some liquid zeolite companies boast) it is likely that a number of toxic elements in the body will be too large to fit in zeolite's cage-like structure.

“I started using your Zeoboost powder a month ago and it has completely changed my life. I had been struggling with my autoimmune disease and psoriasis for a while and had tried so many different things to help it and Zeoboost is the first thing I’ve found that has actually worked. I’m on my 5th jar now doing the 2 teaspoons in 16oz of water.” - Courtney in New Jersey

Is Zeolite Safe?

Yes, absolutely...well at least the high-quality clinoptilolite zeolite we utilize in ZeoBoost™. I can't speak to the safety of other zeolite products on the market. Our zeolite goes through a proprietary cleaning process to remove any toxic elements or contamination and is micronized for human consumption. It is noteworthy that there are many types of zeolite, but we are only talking about clinoptilolite zeolite here, which is the primary type of zeolite that is used in supplements. Zeolite is a natural mineral and has a variety of elements in it. It is important to note that the structure of clinoptilolite zeolite does not get broken down in the body. Because zeolite does not get broken down in the body, it does not leech any elements that make up the compound. Zeolite is not like an essential mineral that is utilized for cellular functions. It simply passes through your body collecting positively charged toxic elements and then is excreted. Therefore you cannot overdose on zeolite and you cannot poison yourself with zeolite as long as you are using a clean zeolite designed for human consumption. Warning- This is only true for purified clinoptilolite zeolite. Other forms of zeolite have not been studied for human health and I don't recommend consuming them.

Zeolite: The Dosing Paradox

The traditional approach, which I highly recommend with most supplements, is to start with a very low dose and work your way up. Starting with a high dose of certain supplements could cause an adverse reaction or result in an unwanted detox reaction. This is especially important to consider with more sensitive individuals who often have strong reactions, both positive and negative when introducing new supplements. Someone on the Lyme/mold/MCAS spectrum is a prime example of this type of individual.

The biggest mistake I see people making with zeolite supplementation is taking too low of a dose. The traditional start low and slow approach to supplements does not apply with zeolite and in fact can be dangerous. Too low of a dose will result in detox reactions, redistribution of toxins, and an ineffective detox. In fact, although it seems counter-intuitive, if you experience a detox reaction from taking zeolite you should take a higher dose immediately. The higher the dose, the less likely you are to experience a detox reaction and redistribution of toxins. Utilizing a high-quality zeolite powder can expedite your results and reduce or eliminate the detox reaction, even in sensitive individuals.

As far as I can tell there are three main reasons that a higher dose of zeolite is safer and more effective than a lower dose.

Reason One- Level of affinity. Zeolite has a strong negative charge and thus is attracted to positively charged molecules. Since most toxins, such as heavy metals, radiation, and pesticides, are positively charged, zeolite is pulled to the toxins, like a magnet, and sucks them up into its structure. This makes zeolite an effective detox method for a number of toxic elements. But the key here is that zeolite is more attracted to certain toxic elements than others. For example, zeolite has a higher affinity for lead than for mercury. So let's say the zeolite enters your bloodstream and binds to mercury. Then it continues through the blood stream and finds some lead. The zeolite will drop the mercury and bind to the lead because it is more attracted to the lead. If a high dose of zeolite was consumed then there is probably enough extra zeolite in the blood to pick up the dropped mercury. If a low dose was taken the mercury may be redistributed and result in a detox reaction. Note- this is one reason that staying on zeolite for an extended period of time may be important. It may take months before the zeolite really starts effectively detoxing mercury depending on how many other toxins are in your body that are the priority for zeolite.

Reason Two- Zeolite in the gut. Particle size is critical. Many zeolite products boast a small particle size but lack the ability to catch toxins in the gut. Instead of offering one particle size, our zeolite contains a range of particle sizes from super small particles for a full body detox and larger particles to sop of toxins in the gut. This range in microns insures a more complete full-body detox. Smaller zeolite particles are carried into the bloodstream for cellular detox, while the larger particles stay in the digestive tract to act as a binder. This offers a more balanced detox and reduces detox reactions common with many zeolite supplements. So the higher the dose of zeolite, the more large zeolite particles are left in the gut to act as a binder.

Reason Three- Many toxic elements cluster together in the body in biofilms. Once these biofilms are disrupted all of the toxic elements within will disperse and start looking for a new home. Zeolite has a strong ability to break open biofilms. Let’s suppose that zeolite encounters a biofilm and attaches itself to lead that is a component of the biofilm. The zeolite will pull the lead out and the biofilm will be disrupted. Only a low dose of zeolite is needed to break apart biofilms, but a higher dose will be needed to sop up all of the toxic elements that are in the biofilm. If too low of a dose is taken some of the toxic elements will likely find a new home in your body, and this redistribution can cause detox symptoms.

Let's consider the dosing dilemma of Susanna (fake name used to protect identity). Susanna has been battling chronic Lyme, mold illness, EMF sensitivity, heavy metal toxicity etc. for many years. She has tried almost everything in her search for a health solution that works. The challenge has been that she is so toxic she hasn't been able to stay on any detox protocol or supplement regimen. She can't even utilize wellness technology like PEMF mats without experiencing a severe detox reaction. Susanna ordered ZeoBoost™ in hopes that this was the answer that she has been looking for. She was skeptical of the recommendation to take 6 teaspoons per day (15 grams). She decided to start with 1/8 of a teaspoon to see how she would feel...She ended up bed ridden for 3 days. Terrible weakness and neurological symptoms are a couple of the debilitating symptoms that resulted from this low dose. After receiving a call from Susanna informing me that the ZeoBoost™ did not work but made her worse I asked how much she took. After learning of the 1/8 teaspoon dose I encouraged her to immediately take a dose of multiple teaspoons. She was skeptical but decided to give it a try based on my explanation. She called me back 60 minutes later in unbelief...She felt incredible! She joyfully explained that her fatigue and brain fog started lifting within 10 minutes of the higher dose. Susanna began experimenting with various doses and confirmed that low doses made her feel terrible, while high doses made her feel better than she has felt in years. The higher the dose the better! Susanna is now taking between 6 and 12 teaspoons per day and loving every spoonful of ZeoBoost™!

“More is better? I was skeptical and started at 1/8 teaspoon…ugh…then 2 teaspoons…finally I took 3 teaspoons 3 times and felt great!” -Shari in Kansas City

Recommended Detox Dose

In order to effectively detox with zeolite you need a relatively high dose, and the more toxic you are the higher dose you need. I recommend starting with 15 grams (6 level teaspoons) of powdered zeolite per day, taken all at once. Taking all six teaspoons at once is especially important for those most prone to detox reactions. The key is to get enough zeolite on each dose, Taking 3 teaspoons 2x per day is more likely to cause a detox reaction than taking all 6 teaspoons at once. I recommend staying on the 15g/day dose for at least 90 days and then considering lowering the dose to 5 grams, taken once per day for maintenance. If symptoms arise while taking 15 grams per day a number of people have successfully alleviated their symptoms by upping the dose to 30 or 45 grams per day for a while before lowering the dose. The above mentioned dose recommendations are general guidelines and there may be a better dosing strategy for you so I suggest experimenting with various doses to find what works best for you.

“I’ve started your zeolite dosing protocol and it’s the first time in 20 years that I’ve been able to tolerate it! It’s amazing because I was so sick every time on small doses and I’m very unwell, have been for 20 years with severe MECFS/MCS, Fibro, etc. Never been able to tolerate detox until this. I am having some good and bad days with it but the positives are huge…” -Chris in Canada

"Holy Shift" Reactions

Taking the proper dose of zeolite can greatly reduce your chances of experiencing a detox reaction by reducing the redistribution of toxins and metals but sometimes "shift happens" and "holy shift" symptoms may be unavoidable. When you first start taking zeolite a major transformation begins to take place. Metals and other toxic elements are uprooted and removed and pathogenic microbes are disrupted. This shifting process can be stressful and result in a number of reactions. Everybody responds a little differently to zeolite based on their toxic load and microbial activity. The more toxic an individual the more likely a reaction will occur because it will result in a more dramatic shift/transformation in the body. As toxic elements are removed and microbes are balanced your body begins shifting into a healthier state. During this shift some will experience undesirable side effects which might make them say, “holy shift what is happening to me?” The more toxic or gut-impaired an individual the more likely that they will experience “holy shift” symptoms.

Zeolite and Mineral Absorption

Zeolite has the potential to balance essential mineral levels in your body by removing toxic metals that are competing for space in your body. Toxic metals and essential minerals are similar in structure and your cells may even have a stronger bond to toxic metals than essential minerals because they are heavier. If this is the case, supplementing with essential minerals might not raise your cellular or tissue levels of those minerals if metals are present blocking the absorption of the minerals. If the toxic metals are removed then the body will have space to receive the essential minerals.

"I am a Type 1 Diabetic and my A1C became normal, values matching a person without Diabetes after following the 90 Day Zeoboost Detox. I finished the 90 Day Zeoboost Detox and I feel it has helped me a ton. My bloodwork from my doctor showed that my bloodwork numbers have greatly improved. I highly recommend this protocol." -Taylor

How to Choose a Quality Zeolite Supplement

The two most important aspects to consider when utilizing zeolite for detox are quality and quantity. It's important to choose a quality, effective zeolite product and also to take it at the necessary dose. Utilizing a poor quality zeolite or taking the wrong dose can result in negative outcomes. Poor quality zeolite supplements may be contaminated with toxic elements which lower the total binding power of the zeolite in your body. Here are four things to look for in a zeolite product:

Microninized: Zeolite Micronization is an expensive process that Zeolite supplement companies rarely invest in.  Micronization is important for Zeolite supplements because the smaller Zeolite particles are able to leave the gut, circulate throughout the body, and travel deeper into tissues and between cells for a more thorough detox. A majority of other Zeolite supplement companies rely on milling to reduce the particle size. Milling, conducted at the mine, is where the Zeolite is crushed by machines, causing the structure of the Zeolite to be compromised.

Cleaned: Naturally occurring zeolite is often contaminated with a number of toxic elements due to its strong binding capabilities. It is important that the zeolite is cleaned via a proprietary cleaning process prior to micronization. The cleaner the zeolite, the more binding capacity it will have.

Particle size: A combination of small and large zeolite particles offers the most comprehensive zeolite detox. ZeoBoost™ contains a wide range of particle sizes to ensure a complete and effective whole body detox. ZeoBoost™ also contains a range of larger particles which stick around in the gut and acts as a binder.

Choose Powder: Another key is to utilize zeolite powder instead of liquid zeolite supplements that have recently flooded the market. Liquid zeolite supplements lack the dose, combination of large and small particle size and binding capacity needed for an effective detox.

"The zeoboost is a truly amazing product. I’ve taken zeolite in the past (liquid) & I was underwhelmed. With yours I notice a HUGE effect. Clarity returning to my mind & I can feel the difference in my body. I’m so grateful I found this supplement line & for your continued support. I really appreciate you!! -Sandra W in Florida

What About Liquid Zeolite?

A number of zeolite products have saturated the market in recent years, and what seems to be trending in the zeolite industry right now are liquid zeolite products or and zeolite sprays.

First of all just to clarify, liquid zeolite is not actually liquefied zeolite, it's powdered zeolite mixed with water. Powdered zeolite is sometimes the same as the liquid except in a powdered form that you can mix with water at home and make your own "liquid zeolite." So we are essentially talking about the same zeolite being used. In some cases however liquid zeolite supplements exclusively contain nanosized zeolite particles which are smaller than what is used in many powdered zeolite supplements. The particle sizes in the nanosized liquid zeolite supplements are usually around 2 microns or less. The idea here is that these nanoparticles can cross the blood brain barrier and provide a full-body detox while many of the powdered zeolite supplements only detox the gut. This is great in theory but in reality these liquid zeolite supplements are limited in what they can detox. If the zeolite cage-like structure is only 2 microns in size then larger toxins may not fit inside the zeolite cage. ZeoBoost™ also contains sub 2 micron particles but also includes a range of larger particles for a more comprehensive detox.

We've already covered the importance of proper zeolite dosing. Taking the wrong dose of zeolite can result in negative outcomes. A small dose will result in detox reactions, redistribution of toxins, and an ineffective detox. In order to effectively detox with zeolite you need a relatively high dose, and the more toxic you are the higher dose you need. The therapeutic doses cannot be achieved with liquid zeolite supplements. For most liquid zeolite products you would need to take over 100 bottles per day to get the proper dose. Many people are tricked into thinking that their liquid zeolite supplement is working because they are experiencing a detox reaction. Yes, it is working to some extent but the fact that you are experiencing a reaction means you need a way higher dose. Utilizing a high-quality zeolite powder can expedite your results and reduce or eliminate the detox reaction, even in sensitive individuals.

Many liquid zeolite products on the market are outrageously priced. For comparison, our $29 jar of ZeoBoost™ contains between 600 and 1200 times the amount of zeolite than most liquid zeolite products on the market.

So I believe ZeoBoost™ is a better option than any liquid zeolite product on the market as it contains a full range or particle sizes for a more comprehensive detox, is more cost-effective and make it possible to get the necessary detox dose without taking 100's of bottle per day.

"Our 8 month old son has had eczema for the past four or five months. My wife tried cutting out certain foods including dairy during breastfeeding in case that was an issue. Nothing we tried helped…until we got our hands on ZeoBoost. Five days after giving ZeoBoost daily to our son his eczema starting clearing up, 10 days later it was completely gone! I highly recommend this product!" -Tim in Urbandale, IA

Important Note

Everything I have mentioned in this article is based off of my experience and research with ZeoBoost™ . I cannot speak to the quality of other zeolite products on the market and these principles may not apply.

Final Word

High-quality zeolite powder is an effective and safe detox tool for a number of toxic elements including heavy metals, environmental toxicants and mycotoxins. It is important to utilize a quality zeolite powder (not a liquid) at the proper dose for optimal effects. If you are currently using liquid zeolite I encourage you to give our ZeoBoost™ powder a try and experience the difference. If you are not utilizing zeolite I urge you to give it a try!

ZeoBoost™ is a high-quality, powdered zeolite supplement offered at a fraction of the cost of many zeolite products on the market. Order from the link below! Note- We now have bundle pricing available for those who choose to start with the recommended higher dose-If you are planning on utilizing the recommended starting dose of 15 grams (6 teaspoons) per day the 5-pack is a 30 day supply at that dose. The 10-pack is a 60 day supply and the 15-pack is a 90 day supply.

Recommended Dose for Serious Detox (6 teaspoons per day):

Note on shipping charges- There is a flat rate $7 shipping charge on all US orders. There is a flat rate $19 shipping charge on all orders to Canada and a $59 shipping charge on all orders to the rest of the world.

"I've been taking this daily for about 2 weeks and I feel like a brand new person. I never knew how bad I felt before taking this product. I would recommend to anyone and do!" -Andrew K

Common Questions:

How Do I know If It's Working?

I think the most measurable way to know that ZeoBoost is working is through lab work (mycotoxin panel, heavy metals, environmental toxins, etc) along with observation. I'd like to think ZeoBoost is helping everyone whether they notice a difference or not. I can't imagine that there are too many folks out there with no toxicity in their bodies regardless of how they feel so I think zeolite benefits everyone, just not everyone notices a difference. Sometimes it takes years of accumulating toxic elements before symptoms are experienced so ZeoBoost can act as a preventative measure as well as a therapeutic.

How Long Should I Keep Taking Zeolite?

Detoxing and staying healthy is a lifelong journey. We aren't going to be healthy by accident living in the 21st century. We have to take control of our health. I recommend everyone take ZeoBoost™ at the higher dose of 4-6 teaspoons per day for at least 90 days. After this I recommend taking one jar per month as ongoing maintenance. To do this there are a number of options. Some people choose to take 1 teaspoon per day, others choose to take 8 teaspoons one day per week. Another option is to take 12 teaspoons 3 days in a row once per month. There are a number of options and I can’t say for sure which option is best but find what works best for you and stick with it. The key is to consume one jar per month, however you want to do that is up to you.

What If I Have Silver/Mercury Fillings?

I personally think taking ZeoBoost if you have mercury fillings is a good idea. The fillings are always releasing mercury so something definitely needs to be done to lower the mercury levels in the body. When microparticles of mercury are released from fillings and absorbed in the body the zeolite can bond to those small isolated particles. I don't think zeolite would break off mercury from the fillings as the bond is too strong. The only mercury that zeolite should be taking off the fillings is loose particles that would otherwise be distributed into the body. So if zeolite does remove mercury from a filling it should be a good thing. Plus it's not like the mercury is then being redistributed into the body. It is trapped in the zeolite cage and passes right through the body. And the zeolite is only in the mouth temporarily which doesn't give it too much of a chance to grab mercury, unless it is being used like mouthwash. This is all my opinion but the way I see it is mercury fillings are releasing mercury into the body no matter what so you might as well try and trap some of it in zeolite cages and transport it out of the body.

Zeolite and the Silicon/Aluminum Ratio

The chemical name for clinoptilolite zeolite is aluminosilicate. So yes, zeolite does contain aluminum. According to Zeolite Expert Karl Hecht, whether aluminum can be released from the zeolite depends on its silicon content. The higher it is, the more impossible it becomes for aluminum to detach itself from the crystal lattice of the zeolite. Clinoptilolite zeolite is a zeolite with a particularly high silicon content. No aluminum is released from it, so that no aluminum can be resorbed in the intestine and absorbed into the body. There are many other forms of zeolite that are broken down much easier and have a lower silicon content. This is why Clinoptilolite was the form of zeolite chosen to be used in supplements.

Remember that zeolite is a volcanic originated from lava so you can imagine that it would take some pretty intense conditions to break it down. Zeolite can even be baked in an oven at high temperatures in baked goods and then consumed without losing any of its health benefits. 450 degrees in the oven is nothing compared to the temperature of hot lava which surpasses 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit. Remember that the key to zeolite is that it does not break down, but rather passes through your body collecting toxic elements before being excreted.

You may also be interested in checking out Fulvic Boost™- our bioactive fulvic complex containing fulvic acid, electrolytes, organic acids, amino acids, polyphenols, polysaccharides, over 70 trace minerals, rare earth minerals, and other cell-nourishing nutrients. This advanced complex has incredible detox potential, antioxidant capacity, cell-nourishing abilities, and offers next-generation mitochondrial support.

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The information contained on our website, blog, programs, services, and/or products is for educational and informational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. It is not not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Please seek medical advice from your doctor.

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